
70+ Cute Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - TikliSmall Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Tikli

Tattoos held a special place in one’s life. These inks are inspirational and will motivate you throughout your life. It is important that you select the right tattoo for yourself that has a deeper meaning. So we have filtered 70 best small tattoo ideas with meaning just for you so that you can get the best results.

1. Lettering Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Lettering Tattoo

If you want a tattoo that can be hidden easily but will still have a deeper meaning, you should totally go for the lettering tattoos. These can be the initial of your loved ones and it is found that most of the couples go for this small tattoo ideas.

2. Turtle Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Turtle Tattoo

Slow and steady will win the race. Turtles are considered to be the symbol of patience, inner strength and peace, and a steady mindset. If the above qualities describe you or you want to adapt to these qualities you should totally go for turtle tattoo ideas.

3. Moon Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Moon Tattoo

Moon Tattoos held a deeper meaning of inner wisdom, femininity, power, magic, and connection within oneself. It is observed that women prefer to ink moon tattoos more as compared to men.

4. Pixie Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

These are extremely popular among the youth as they display the playfulness and a desire to bring positive changes that most of the youth desire to have.

5. Feather Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

Feathers are mostly considered to be a symbol of immortality and freedom. Apart from that they also describe the power to fight injustice, a sense of finding out the truth, and self-discovery.

6. Wolf Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Wolf Tattoo

Wolfs are associated with the feeling of pride among the family. Wolfs stay and grow in packs; this would showcase their loyalty and protectiveness. Apart from that, they are a symbol of authority, freedom, and free will.

7. Lotus Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Lotus Tattoo
Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Lotus Tattoo

Lotuses determine wealth and success; at the same time they symbolize purity, grace, and a spirit to overcome difficulties.

Recommended Read: 25+ Pretty Lotus Flower Tattoo Ideas For Women

8. Arrow Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Arrow Tattoo

Arrows are the symbol of freedom and the power to bring out positive changes. To show the conflict in their life and a will to triumph over it.

9. Cross Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Cross Tattoo

Although most people assume that the Cross tattoo is to only be associated with religion and faith it is much more than that. Cross tats can also be associated with one’s connection with one’s own soul and divinity, one’s connection with one’s own mind, faith, beliefs, ideas, and strength.

10. Phoenix Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

According to the popular myth, phoenixes are considered the ones to rise from the ashes. This makes phoenix tattoos a symbol of freeing yourself from the bondages, rising above the troubles, winning over problems, and prosperity with kindness. This has been really popular among young people nowadays.

11. Fish Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning
Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Fish Tattoo

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Fish Tattoo

Just keep swimming. Fishes are considered to be calm and composed with qualities like transformation, rebirth, positivity, wealth, fertility, and progress, these fish tats make one hell of a meaningful tattoo.

12. Musical Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

These are the perfect choice for the music enthusiasts out there. You can ink your favorite musical instrument, note, or even a song lyric that you love with all your heart.

13. Sun Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Sun Tattoo

Sun Tattoos are a perfect mixture of inner strength, power, new birth, joy, and spirituality, making it a perfect tattoo with meaning.

14. Star Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

Star Tattoos symbolically can mean a lot of things, like a guideway back home, an indicator of a person’s high dreams of being like a star, or even the desire of a budding artist to burn bright like a star. It can also have a secret meaning of remembering a long-lost one. Whatever the reason may be Star Tattoos have always been a popular choice among people.

15. Tribal Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

These are some bold looking tattoos. The peculiarity of Tribal Tattoos is that most of them are inked in black making it a popular choice among people. Tribal Tattoos have a meaning which can be seen in the culture of the tribes from which the idea is originated.

16. Phases of Moon Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas
Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

What goes around comes around. A phase of moon tattoo is not a mere design. This tattoo idea comes with a thought-provoking meaning. They represent the past, present, and future of a person. For first the person is at a lower level, phase then overtime the same person achieves great success which can be assumed the full moon phase and then gradually this leads towards the end of the journey that is the no moon day.

17. Arabic Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

Not only Arabic Tattoos maintain the graceful appeal with their beautiful script but also they have some profound meaning. You can have Arabic tattoos with some thought-provoking quotes, spiritual sayings, or even the names of your loved ones. It is one of the best tattoo ideas with meaning.

18. Butterfly Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

It is seen that women seem to adore this little flying insect and would surely ink them. Butterflies are considered to be a symbol of forgiveness, rebirth, and independence but that the same time they represent a gentle nature making it a meaningful tattoo.

19. Dragon Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning
Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

These mythical creatures are a symbol of power, iron will, and wittiness. In Asia, dragons are considered to be superior creatures. Dragon Tattoo is one meaningful tattoo can one can get now.

20. Om Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

It is considered that OM is the sound of the universe. Originating from the ancient Hindu scriptures, Om has been the eternal symbol of inner peace, satisfaction, a sense of fullness, and the ultimate truth making it an extremely meaningful tattoo.

21. Heart Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Heart TATTOO

Many a time it is assumed that a heart tattoo is only inked for a significant other but it can also represent other things. Like in memory of a loved one, for your best friend, your hobbies, your pets, your dreams, and even to represent the power of love.

22. Dolphin Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Dolphin Tattoo

Dolphin Tattoo would work wonders if inked in beautiful colors. Not only dolphins are considered equivalent to god by ancient Greeks because of their intelligence but also they are considered to be very protective of their loved ones. Inking the tattoo of this smart creature would indicate pureness, playfulness, happiness, and a balance in life.

23. Flower Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Flower Tattoo -Tikli
Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Flower Tattoo -Tikli

Not only there is a variety in the number of flowers you can get inked like the rose, jasmine, lotus, lily, tulips, and sunflower but also you get a variety in the colors of the flowers. You need to keep in mind that different colored flowers possess different meanings before getting yourself inked.

24. Skull Tattoo:

Small Tattoos

It’s a common notion that skull tattoos represent negativity but that is not the case. It tells the person to never miss out on an opportunity and always experience new things with enthusiasm. It totally depends upon the person whether you take the tattoo in a positive or negative manner.

25. Dreamcatcher Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Dreamcatcher Tattoo - Tikli

Woven by our grandmothers and mothers, dreamcatchers have been an inseparable part of our childhood. These are associated with protecting one’s dreams from the evil and peaceful slumber. A dreamcatcher tattoo idea would mean a sense of being home.

26. Angel Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Angel Tattoo - Tikli

Honor the angel in your life with this significant tattoo. It could be your mother, father, teacher, sister, brother, best friend, or even your significant other. Angel tattoos can signify warmth, courage, and protectiveness. It is one of the best tattoo ideas with meaning out there.

27. Crown Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Crown Tattoo - Tikli

Be the King/Queen of the world. Symbols of nobility, pride, and control over oneself, power, confidence, and authority, Crown Tattoos come in extremely meaningful tattoo ideas.

28. Celtic Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Celtic Tattoo

Having its roots in the German and Pagan cultures, Celtic tattoos have been a popular choice recently. It represents a sense of respect for nature and its elements and a symbol of fierceness and protectiveness and bravery.

29. Warrior Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Warrior Tattoo

These tattoos are responsible for representing power, determinedness, fearlessness, and a sense of fighting. If you have had a tough life and you have fought your way out of it then this tattoo idea will mean a lot to you.

30. Sword Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Warrior Tattoo

Swords have been a symbol of justice since ancient times. This tattoo idea would mean a sense of resistance against the untruth, a sense of morality, bravery, and honor ship. It is also a symbol of freedom from the bondages, fighting will, and awareness.

31. Traditional Egyptian Tattoo:

Traditional Egyptian Tattoo

Ancient Egyptian Tattoos can be inked in various popular designs that have an important meaning. Some of these tattoos symbolize power, fertility, femininity, life and death, power of life after death, respect, creation, and eternality.

32. Lion Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Lion Tattoo

Lions are often associated with wealth, power, and fame. But they are also connected with guidance, levelheadedness, resilience again injustice, and love. These factors make the Lion tattoo extremely popular and meaningful.

Recommended Read: 15 Best Female Lion Tattoo Ideas for Courageous Women

33. Rose Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Rose Tattoo

These flowers have been the most preferred choice among people for years and still, it holds the equally important meaning. Roses are often associated with the feeling of love but apart from that, it has several other meanings like Devotion, pureness, divinity, forgiveness, beauty, and grace. Rose Tattoo is one of the best tattoos with meaning.

34. Virgo Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Virgo Tattoo

Virgos are the brains of the zodiac. They are extremely intelligent, resourceful, analytical, and determined. There are some stunning Virgo tattoo design ideas out there.

35. Leo Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Leo Tattoo

Often considered to be the leaders of the zodiac, people mostly assume that Leos are always stuck in their heads but that is not the case. Leos are fierce who never back away from any challenge and win over the issues no matter how hard they are. A Leo tattoo would have a meaning of one’s pride over one’s achievements.

36. Aries Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Aries Tattoo

People who are born under this zodiac sign ink themselves with an Aries tattoo. Known for their open-heartedness and freewill, Aries people are considered to be one of the bravest among the zodiac.

37. Taurus Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Taurus Tattoo

People born under this zodiac ink themselves with a Taurus tattoo. Considered one of the most reliable and honest zodiac signs, Taurus is known for its patience level. Even a small tattoo is enough to make you look like a diva.

38. Scorpio Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Scorpio Tattoo

Scorpio Tattoos have an aura of mystery and danger around them. At the same time, Scorpios are extremely loyal and protective of their loved ones.

39. Libra Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Libra Tattoo

Considered as the feelers of the zodiac, Libras are known for having a well-balanced life. They believe in the values of justice and peace and diplomacy.

40. Cancer Tattoo:

Small Tattoos - Cancer Tattoo
Small Tattoos - Cancer Tattoo

Often considered to be the most emotional among the zodiac, people seem to forget the inner strength and loyalty of Cancers. People under this zodiac love to have a crab inked on their bodies.

41. Gemini Tattoo:

Small Tattoos

Coming under the air sign division, Gemini’s are the dreamers of the zodiac. Some of the best qualities of the twin-faced Gemini are – a steady balance between maturity and playfulness, dreaming, and actually doing it. There are many aesthetically pleasing Gemini tattoo ideas.

42. Horse Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Horse Tattoo - Tikli

Not only have they determined one’s will for prosperity, but Horse tattoos also indicate one’s thirst for positive dynamics. These are the symbol of elegance and poise but with supreme strength.

43. Funny Tattoo:

Small Tattoos - Funny Tattoo

Could be a funny anecdote or even a funny line someone said to you. You can also ink some funny designs that can be an inside joke among your friends.

44. Nature Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Nature Tattoo - Tikli

This is a perfect tattoo idea with meaning for nature lovers out there. Trees display the love for mother Earth and one’s concerns about it.

45. Animal Paw Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Animal Paw Tattoo - Tikli

Not only these tattoos are adorable but also animal tattoos are inked in the memory of your lost four-legged companions. Animal Paw tattoos determine the quality of loyalty and going lengths for your friend.

46. Travel Tattoo:

Small Tattoos - Travel Tattoo
Small Tattoo Ideas
Small Tattoos

If you have a big wanderlust then this tattoo is made just for you. If you have an inner desire to explore different places around the world and gain new experiences then you should definitely go for some trendy tattoo ideas.

47. Shoulder Tattoo:

Small Tattoos
Small Tattoo Ideas

Shoulders make the perfect canvas for your tattoos and the big advantage you have is that you can easily hide or display your tattoo according to your requirements. Some of the popular choices among people who chose shoulder choices are floral patterns, angel wings, abstract tattoos.

48. Mythical Tattoo:

Depending upon the mythical creature you choose to ink, you’ll choose to depict several qualities. For example, some show the connection with all the 6 elements of the universe while some connect with purity and the renewal of life choices.

49. Compass Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Compass Tattoo - Tikli

Compass tattoos mean the desire to be guided towards one’s destination without any trouble. And even faced the will to overcome them. It also shows how one leads their life, with their mind or their heart.

50. Mayan Tattoo:

Mayan tattoos work wonders if you associate yourself with it. Like some of the tattoos indicate self-growth and success, while some indicate the power of divinity, universal peace, and the light and the darkness of the human mind, body, and soul.

51. Hindu Tattoo:

Depending upon the choice you make, Hindu tattoos determine many possibilities. Like a sense of freedom and rebirth, a power for destruction, the desire to learn new sciences and prosper, and the want for a bright and fortunate future. These tattoos hold a very deep meaning and are becoming a popular choice among people.

52. Hawaiian Tattoo:

These tattoos honor the traditional Hawaiian culture and its elements. They display the friendly and relaxed nature of a person along with a supernatural connection with the unknown.

53. Geometric Tattoo:

These are some cool and trendy tattoo ideas with meaning. The abstract patterns determine steadiness and a firm balance in life. These also symbolize the sense of stability and the power to bring out transformations.

54. Full Sleeve Tattoo:

Each full sleeve tattoo is unique just as the person who inks them. They follow a particular theme and the whole arm is inked in the process. It is still considered to be a bold choice among people as having a full-armed tattoo is a lot of commitment and determination to ask for.

55. Thai Design Tattoo:

Thai design tattoos are rare and beautiful with astonishing meanings. Some of them are meaningful quotes from the preacher Buddha who describes the state of Nirvana.

56. Elephant Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Hindu Tattoo

Elephants are symbols of developed wisdom, nobility, and empathy towards others. These tattoos are often done by people who desire prosperity and good growth in their lives.

57. Waist Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Waist Tattoo

Waist tattoos bring a breath of freshness in front of the traditionally preferred tattoo choices. These have a great appeal and look fabulous with their intricate designs.

58. Eagle Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Eagle Tattoo - Tikli

Soar the high sky with the eagle tattoo. Eagles are a symbol of freedom, high vision, sheer strength, determinedness, and mightiness making it a known meaningful tattoo.

59. Tiger Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Tiger Tattoo - Tikli

Tiger Tattoos represent many positive factors such as loyalty towards loved ones, courage, and the quality of leadership during tough times, a sense of mystery. Overall it’s a good tattoo idea with meaning.

60. Kanji Tattoo:

Small Tattoos

Having Chinese origins, Japanese Kanji Tattoos have more than 50,000 symbols from which one can choose what they want to get inked. It can be your favorite quote or the name of your loved one. Kanji Tattoos are very sophisticating looking.

61. Swallow Bird Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Swallow Bird Tattoo - Tikli

Swallows are the birds who never leave their flock behind. Inking this tattoo would mean having a love for your close friends and family and always standing by them both in happy and tough times.

62. Maori Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

In the ancient tribe of Maori, these tattoos used to represent the status of a person within the tribe. Nowadays there’s a new meaning to it. Modern people associate Maori Tattoos with family goals, career goals, a sense of stability, and wanderlust.

63. Cherry Blossom Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Cherry Blossom Tattoo

Cherry Blossoms are considered to be a symbol of life and serenity. People who have survived term illness ink themselves this tattoo to symbolize their rebirth.

64. Love Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Love Tattoo

This tattoo is not only for the romantic love a person has. It is also inked to represent one’s faith, pureness, beliefs, ideas, love for the family, platonic love, making it a very meaningful tattoo.

65. Mandala Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Mandala Tattoo

Considered to be a symbol of overall balance amongst the individual and the universe, Mandala Tattoos are the healthy mixture of a spiritual and a meaningful tattoo.

66. Wing Tattoo:

Small Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Wing Tattoo

Wing Tattoos showcase the desire to be free. Whether it is from the daily tribulations of life or towards one’s dreams or even to a happy place. They can be done in any shapes and sizes and in any color and they would still look good and meaningful.

67. Illustrative Tattoo:

Similar to the geometric tattoo illustrative tattoos are bold and symmetrical. They can be asymmetrical too. Apart from that, these look so realistic that are sometimes mistaken to be imprinted on the body part where it’s done. Illustrative tattoos use various techniques to make it more alive.

68. 3D Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - 3D Tattoo

There are many designs available which you can use to ink yourself. 3D designs look cool and have a modern appeal.

69. Family Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Family Tattoo

Express the love you have for your family with the help of a lovely family tattoo. It is a meaningful tattoo that expresses the care and affection you feel towards your loved ones.

70. Bear Tattoo:

Tattoo Ideas with Meaning - Bear Tattoo

Bears have a distinct protectiveness for their loved ones and inking a bear tattoo would indicate your feelings of pride, love, wisdom, confidence, and self-discovery.

Written by Mitali Joshi

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