
How To Remove Acrylic Nails at Home – Without Damage

acrylic nails how to remove

Acrylic nails look wondrous on you but there comes a time when you want to remove them. And this is when we come into the picture! No matter how pretty how nails appear with these flawless acrylics it is necessary that you remove them after a certain point of time. And today, we are going to show you how to remove acrylic nails at home!

Is it necessary to remove your acrylic nails using professional help only?

Absolutely not. If you are still a newbie to the magnificent world of colorful acrylics then you will not be aware of the process and might accidentally hurt yourself in the process. So, it is important that you educate yourself on the matter so that your nails are not damaged in the long run! The process is pretty simple and we are sure that you shall understand the process right in the first time!

Once you are aware of how to remove acrylic nails you can remove them in your own home too! So, if you are ever feeling lazy to go to your nail artist you can remove the acrylic nails yourself!

Are breaks necessary when you get acrylic nails?

Yes, it is essential that you give your nails a break from the acrylics. We completely understand your love for the bright colors and creative designs when it comes to acrylic nails. But frequently getting them may damage the delicate natural nail plate in the long run. Although acrylic nails are not necessarily damaging to your nails, it is best if you take at least a week-long break before going for a new design!

You also need a complete kit that helps you in removing acrylics at home and this kit includes-

  • 100 grit nail filer
  • cotton balls
  • aluminum wrap foils
  • 100% pure acetone nail polish remover
  • nail buffers
  • wooden cuticle pushers
  • a small bowl

How to remove acrylic nails at home easily!

Now, that you are all set with your home acrylic nails remover kit we can begin to show you how to remove acrylic nails at home easily!

1. File your acrylics as much as you can!

For the first step of removing your acrylic nails at home, you need a nail filer. Nail filers are a boon to you when it comes to removing acrylic nails at home! You can gently scrape off the acrylics with the filers and make the rest of the process much more comfortable and easy for yourself. For this, you need a 100 grit file which will easily help you in removing most of your acrylics. You are done? Great! Now, let us move to the next step!

2. Use the acetone nail polish to remove the remaining residue!

For the second step of removing your acrylic nails at home, you need an acetone nail polish remover. Remember to buy a 100% pure acetone nail polish remover to complete this part of the acrylic nail removal process. For this, you need to take a small bowl and fill it with the acetone liquid. Then, soak the tips of your nails in the liquid and keep your hand in the bowl for 15 to 20 minutes. Check how much acrylic is remaining and repeat the process till the acrylics are completely soaked and removed.

3. Remove the remaining acrylics by scarping or buffing them softly!

Are you done with the previous step? Great! Now, let us move to the next step of the process! You need to use the wooden cuticle pusher to scrape off the rest of the residual acrylic. Remember to be gentle while doing this process as your nails are still very delicate from using the acetone nail polish remover!
You can use a nail filer and a nail buffer to softly give a perfect shape to your nails and remove the acrylics completely. Use the buffer to get rid of the stubborn parts of the acrylic nails! Let us move to the next step then!

4. Aftercare of delicate nails after the removal process!

Now, that you have successfully removed your acrylic nails at home we can talk about an extremely essential step to take care of your nails! The aftercare of your delicate nails is just as important as getting the colorful and bright acrylics!
No matter how much you love these beautiful acrylics you need to take at least a week-long break from them each month. This is done so that your natural nail plate heals perfectly from the little damage done by the acrylics! In the meantime, you can cover your nails with cuticle oil and cuticle creams, so that you get shiny, strong, and beautiful natural nails easily and without any worries!

The alternate process to remove acrylic nails at home!

  • You need to cut as many acrylic nails as you can without damaging your real nails. Use nail clippers for the process.
  • You need to use a 100 grit nail filer to gently get rid of the remaining acrylic nail, gel, and nail art. This shall make the next step easier and more convenient for you!
  • Next use the 100% pure acetone nail polish remover to get rid of the acrylics. For this use cotton balls and dip them into the acetone solution.
  • Put the cotton balls around each of your nails and secure them with aluminum wrap foil. Keep your nails in a steady and comfortable position for 16 to 20 minutes.
  • Carefully remove the aluminum wrap foil from your nails and check if the acrylics are removed successfully. If not, dip some new cotton balls in acetone and repeat the above step.
  • Use the cuticle pusher to get rid of the rest of the soaked acrylics. Remember to use a gentle hand as your nails are very delicate at the moment.
  • Nail buffers are a great tool to shape the nails once you are done using your nail filer.
  • Carefully wash your hands with soap and water to completely remove the acetone liquid and complete the process.
  • And now you have your natural nails back!

Written by Tikli Team

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